Women and boots

This is a different type of blog for me. I have no clear perspective on a particular issue. Instead, I present a mere observation.

There is no intent to insult anyone here and I have no explanation for the phenomenon I discuss. Just something I have noticed —nothing more.

My observation? That modern women enjoy wearing boots of all types.

Not western boots that both men and women appear to enjoy equally throughout North America. I’m referring to boots that look historical, equestrian — even military.

Consistently, in our society, women wear boots as a reliable and stylish accessory to complete their outfits.

For some reason, men do not do the same. There are work boots, of course, and many boots designed for specific tasks, but men on the whole do not wear boots as fashion very often.

Women, conversely, seem to wear them a lot.

I have watched women strut in their boots and noted the confidence that such a wardrobe choice imbues.

Historically, the wearing of boots is associated with authority figures.

Are women trying to tell us something with this choice of shoe? Could this be an unconscious or even deliberate response to being treated as second class citizens for much of history?

I don’t know.

Boots are a practical choice. They protect from the elements and are comfortable in most kinds of terrain.

Boots are also elegant. Perhaps more than other kinds of shoes, boots can evoke emotions and nostalgia for other epochs.

There is no question that the perfect pair of boots can enhance a person’s fashion statement immensely.

Since Nancy Sinatra’s classic sixties hit “These boots are made for walking,” women everywhere have adopted this footwear in increasing numbers.

We jokingly state that “men wear the pants in the family,” but it is my observation that women tend to wear the boots.